Follow Your Bliss aims to inspire individuals to embrace their passions and follow their dreams. The brand offers a range of designs that feature motivational quotes, graphical designs, and pop culture references. All designs are fresh and unique, so be the different.


Find your Bliss,

Shop our collection of trendy, unique and affordable clothing.

Tops, Tees, Hoody's and more.

€ 57,02

Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart Het perfecte t shirt voor elke gelegenheid

Art on clothes

Art on clothes where fashion meets art.

Discover unique and stylish clothing designs,

of tees, tops, Jackets, Hoody's and tank tops

Crypto love

€ 61,94


“Your heart knows the way, Run in that direction” Rumi

Leef vanuit je hart.. 

Wanneer je door liefde geraakt wordt in je hart, verandert je frequentie en bekijk je de wereld door andere ogen. Met liefde, aandacht en dankbaarheid gaat je hart open. Met een open hart, gevoed door liefde wordt de wereld vol vrede.  Leef vanuit je hart . 

F.Y.B. is geboren uit liefde en dankbaarheid, een bijproduct van kunstenares Florentijn Bruning, het doel ...wereldvrede.

Let love rule. 

When you are touched by love in your heart, your frequency changes and you see the world through different eyes. Your heart opens with love, attention and gratitude. With an open heart, nourished by love, the world becomes a peaceful place. Live from your heart. 

F.Y.B. was born out of love and gratitude, a by-product of artist Florentijn Bruning, the goal .. world peace.